

Photo of Mikayla Q.
Mikayla Q.
4 months ago

I was at campground 1 campsite 3. The ground is very uneven so you have to be careful where you set up on your site.. Says there is a tap but just a warning it’s rain water off the roof of the toilet so wouldn’t even use it for washing tbh. Couldn’t actually even see the lake from where we were. The road in to camp is horrible at the moment very rutted out and full of large holes. I wouldn’t say it’s 2WD accessible at all, I was in a 4x4 and was still being thrown around at low speeds. The signs to show which campsite number is which are very small and at the back of each site so hard to see which one is which.

Photo of Jerusalem Creek Campground

Jerusalem Creek Track, Eildon, Victoria

Jerusalem Creek Campground

9 Ratings