The top 10 warmest campsites in New South Wales for the month of July
Looking to get some sun? We've ranked the warmest 10 campsites in New South Wales by highest average temperature for the month of July.

2 York St, Marrar, New South Wales
Marrar Rest Stop
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C
River Rd, Alfredtown, New South Wales
Shanty Reserve
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C

2300 Sturt Hwy, Alfredtown, New South Wales
Borambola Rest Stop
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C

Lockhart-The Rock Rd, Tootool, New South Wales
Tootool Rest Area
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C

2070 Olympic Hwy, Yathella, New South Wales
Wallacetown Rest Area
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C
Sturt Hwy, Brookdale, New South Wales
Berry Jerry Rest Area
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C
2 Sunnyside Road, Junee, New South Wales, 2663, AU
Junee Tourist Park
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C
Kohlhagens Road, Yarragundry, New South Wales
Kohlhagens Beach
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C

Sturt Hwy, Collingullie, New South Wales
Berry Jerry State Forest
July average min: 11.1°C
July average max: 21.8°C