The top 10 warmest campsites in Queensland for the month of January
Looking to get some sun? We've ranked the warmest 10 campsites in Queensland by highest average temperature for the month of January.

Birdsville Developmental Rd, Birdsville, Queensland
Old Diamantina Crossing
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C
Eyre Developmental Rd, Birdsville, Queensland
Carcory Ruins
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C
Eyre Development Rd, Birdsville, Queensland
Cuttaburra Crossing
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C
1 Florence Street, Birdsville, Queensland, 4482, AU
Birdsville Caravan Park & Campground
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C

, Queensland
Cooningheera Waterhole Rest Area
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C

Eyre Developmental Road, Birdsville, Queensland
Diamantina Camp beside River
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C

Eyre Developmental Rd, Birdsville, Queensland
Birdsville Diamantina River Wind Mill
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C
QAA Line, Simpson Desert, Queensland
Eyre Creek Crossing
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C
Birdsville Developmental Rd, Birdsville, Queensland
Burke & Wills Tree
January average min: 26.9°C
January average max: 40.7°C