We've found 2 locations with dump spots near Caiguna, WA.
#2 Woorlba Homestead Rest Area
Balladonia 220 Km E of Norseman, Western Australia Get directions- ✓ Pets Allowed
- ✓ Free
- ✓ Toilets
- ✓ Caravans
- ✓ Camper Trailers
- ✓ Dump Spot
- ✓ Allows fires
#1 Baxter Rest Area

- ✓ Pets Allowed
- ✓ Free
- ✓ Toilets
- ✓ Caravans
- ✓ Camper Trailers
- ✓ Phone Reception
- ✓ Dump Spot
- ✓ Water (Non Drinking)
- ✓ Allows fires