The top 10 warmest campsites in Victoria for the month of February
Looking to get some sun? We've ranked the warmest 10 campsites in Victoria by highest average temperature for the month of February.

Sturt Hwy, Murray-Sunset, Victoria
VIC/SA Border Rest Area
February average min: 16°C
February average max: 32.8°C

Blake Rd, Iraak, Victoria
Johnson's Bend & Iraak Bend
February average min: 16.9°C
February average max: 32.5°C

Kulkyne Way, Nangiloc, Victoria
Buxton Bend
February average min: 16.9°C
February average max: 32.5°C

3624 Murray Valley Hwy, Wood Wood, Victoria
Gillicks Reserve
February average min: 16.2°C
February average max: 32.5°C
24 Main St, Culgoa, Victoria
Kaneira Hotel Free Camping
February average min: 16.2°C
February average max: 32.5°C
2 Hoyles Rd, Wargan, Victoria
Abottsford Bend Forest
February average min: 16.9°C
February average max: 32.5°C
502 Speewa Punt Rd, Speewa, Victoria
Speewa Ferry Crossing Campsite
February average min: 16.2°C
February average max: 32.5°C

Unnamed Rd, Nyah, Victoria
Devils Bend
February average min: 16.2°C
February average max: 32.5°C
Off Edeys Rd Karadoc, Victoria
Karadoc Sandbar
February average min: 16.9°C
February average max: 32.5°C