The top 10 warmest campsites in Victoria for the month of January
Looking to get some sun? We've ranked the warmest 10 campsites in Victoria by highest average temperature for the month of January.

Sturt Hwy, Murray-Sunset, Victoria
VIC/SA Border Rest Area
January average min: 16.4°C
January average max: 33.8°C

7912 Murray Valley Hwy, Boundary Bend, Victoria
Narrung State Forest Camp One
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

Sandbar Loop Track, Narrung, Victoria
Sandbar Loop
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C
27 Murray Valley Hwy, Boundary Bend, Victoria
Boundary Bend Caravan Park
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

Narrung, Off Windomal Track, Murray Valley, Victoria
River Track
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

103 Heywood Lake Rd, Narrung, Victoria
Haywood Lake Reserve
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

Near Piambie, Murray Valley., Victoria
Pauls Track
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

Gearbox Loop Track, Lake Powell, Victoria
Gearbox Loop Track Beach
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C
2 Hall St, Piangil, Victoria
Piangil Park & Hall
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C

Mallee Hwy, Piangil, Victoria
Piangil Rest Area
January average min: 17.4°C
January average max: 33.5°C