The top 10 warmest campsites in Western Australia for the month of February
Looking to get some sun? We've ranked the warmest 10 campsites in Western Australia by highest average temperature for the month of February.
4 Viveash Way, Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia
Junction Hotel & Tourist Park
February average min: 25.1°C
February average max: 40°C

Liyons River Road, Kennedy Range, Western Australia
Temple Gorge Campground
February average min: 25.1°C
February average max: 40°C
Carnarvon-Mullewa Rd, Murchison, Western Australia
Bilung Pool
February average min: 25.1°C
February average max: 40°C
Ullawarra Rd, West Lyons River, Western Australia
Lyons River Crossing
February average min: 25.1°C
February average max: 40°C
NW Coastal Hwy, Yannarie, Western Australia
Yannarie Rest Area
February average min: 25°C
February average max: 39.9°C
NW Coastal Hwy, Minilya, Western Australia
Lyndon River Rest Area (East)
February average min: 25°C
February average max: 39.9°C
NW Coastal Hwy, Yannarie, Western Australia
Yannarie (Barradale) Rest Area
February average min: 25°C
February average max: 39.9°C
NW Coastal Hwy, Nanutarra, Western Australia
Nanutarra Roadhouse & Caravan Park
February average min: 25°C
February average max: 39.9°C
1 Nyang Rd, Barradale, Western Australia
Emu Creek Station
February average min: 25°C
February average max: 39.9°C